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Eiki is a library for judging values. It's extremely small and decomposable - if you only use a function and only part of that function, you'll only have a few dozen extra bytes added to your bundle!


Install through a package manager:

# npm
$ npm i eiki

# yarn
$ npm i eiki

# pnpm
$ pnpm i eiki

(By the way, I strongly recommend pnpm, since I like not having my entire disk eaten by node_modules.)


ill put up typedoc at some point but its well-commented and typed


  • zod: I like zod, but it has some weird bloat I don't need.
  • class-validator: It's nice but it's very big. I use it on the server-side.
  • vahv: Nobody's heard of this one, but you should go use it, since it's cute! It's more for forms though. Eiki is a lower-level validation library1.


Thank you for contributing! Please note all of your contributions will be placed under MIT - make sure both you and whoever wrote all the code, whether you or not, are okay with that!

Open up a pull request, and ensure the tests pass. If you've got an issue that would benefit from tests showing the issue, it'd be great if you added some!

1: I find it really funny to call anything in JS low-level.

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